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Author: Brynlee Taylor

Starting a family isn’t easy for every couple out there, especially those dealing with infertility issues. In fact, according to a study published in Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 15% of couples globally are affected by infertility– that is roughly 48.5 million couples. Some couples try to conceive for extended periods of time, while others immediately seek medical advice.

While the former is a personal choice, we will elaborate on the latter in this article. It’s important for couples to be able to discuss their circumstances with educated professionals so they can get started in the right direction. Here are five medical professionals that can help with infertility treatment:

1. Gynecologists

One common issue that causes infertility is the ability to properly time sexual intercourse with the day of ovulation. A gynecologist can give advice on this, and at the same time, begin the preliminary tests for an infertility evaluation for the female partner.

This may start off with their menstrual history, and then with diagnostic tests to determine if there is an anatomic pathology contributing to the infertility.

Depending on the results, the gynecologist can assess which medications may be given to enhance fertility, or which procedure should be done to assist the couple in conceiving. Should these be not applicable for the couples case, the gynecologist may refer the couple to a fertility specialist to proceed with a comprehensive infertility evaluation.

For fertility consulting on an app, there are many different resources online. Eveline·Care is a telehealth service that connects Eveline digital ovulation predictor test users with fertility specialists.It allows the consultants to remotely provide customized advices based on her fertility condition logged in Eveline App, and hence help couples get pregnant faster.

2. Andrologists

Andrologists are urologists who have a sub-specialization in male fertility. Science Direct explains that andrologists are trained to treat and evaluate various forms of male fertility issues, such as low sperm count and abnormal sperm characteristics.

If needed, andrologists can also do a testicular biopsy and perform a testicular sperm extraction to access reproductive infections, testicular torsion, undescended testes, and erectile dysfunction, all of which are common male factors contributing to infertility.

3. Reproductive Immunologists

Just as the title implies, a reproductive immunologist possesses the education and training of both reproductive medicine and immunology. This specialized doctor is typically consulted if the couple has had multiple miscarriages, tried IVF and failed, or has unexplained infertility. They primarily treat infertility issues that are immune-mediated, such as the Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome– a common cause for recurrent miscarriages.

Aside from being emotionally draining, infertility can also be financially draining. One cycle of IVF can cost between $15,000 – $30,000.

4. Nurse practitioners

Another option would be to approach other healthcare professionals with training in the field of fertility. Women may approach nurse practitioners that have a doctorate degree that allows them to specialize in family practice.

Experienced nurses with a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNS) are able to lead teams and provide fertility services. These include helping manage the initial treatment, as well as addressing the mental and emotional stress of couples experiencing infertility. Nurses with a DNS can also assist with investigations and treatment, and support couples in achieving their goal of pregnancy sooner.

5. Reproductive Endocrinologist

A reproductive endocrinologist is a gynecologist with a sub-specialization in infertility, and they best handle infertility concerns that are hormonally related. The Endocrine Society believes a good balance of hormones is necessary for ovulation and the maintenance of pregnancy. These specialists perform tests, carry out medical procedures, analyze results, give treatments and prescribe medications, if necessary, to ensure that the hormonal environment is fit to carry a baby to term.

Trying to conceive can be difficult, but there are ways to find help. Patients can contact fertility professionals through our site, where fertility consulting is made easy. Thanks to advancements in medicine and science, it’s now more possible than ever to reach your goal of starting a family.


This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to offer medical advice.


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